For direct access
Hydraulic cylinders for wheel loaders
Hydraulic cylinders for backhoe loaders
Hydraulic cylinders for excavators
Hydraulic cylinders for dumpers
Hydraulic cylinders for mobile cranes
Hydraulic cylinders for forklifts
Hydraulic cylinders for telescopic handlers
Hydraulic cylinders for lift trucks
Hard chrome plated steel bars
Supplier self-assessment
Terms and conditions of supply
Terms and conditions of purchase
Storage and operation of Pacoma hydraulic cylinders
Become an expert
We provide, upon request from our customers, individual training to their service technicians at our production facility in Eschwege, Germany. These training sessions focus on the installation and maintenance of our products.
Personal training of this sort as well as training materials such as exploded view drawings, videos and models are especially designed to convey know-how that are aimed at preventing unnecessary on-site downtime.
Please make a no-obligation inquiry if you are interested.

Spare parts
Prompt availability - guaranteed
Pacoma defines spare parts as all main parts and components of our hydraulic cylinders. This also includes all standard and DIN parts as well as components which have been clearly defined in the order or in the design drawing.
For these parts we provide a spare-part guarantee of ten years. Depending on the type and model, we will keep these spare parts in inventory or produce them ourselves.